Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why was iPad Sucessful

It was affordable and it has advantages which were cons of laptops and mobile phones.

Laptops cons were that they were bulky and heavy
Mobile Phones cons that their screens are too small and too difficult to read
The iPad is at an affordable weight and it is easy to read and it can fit into most women's handbag. The iPad was targeted at both genders, and lastly, it's from Apple

Because of past Apple products, they influence the market. They tell the users of Apple products that all their products are quality, affordable and good.

Why I think Ford Motor fail with Edsel

Their marketing strategy was out of tune. The cars released were out of reach for many people's pockets. The cars were not clearly advertised and there was lack of publicity. The markets at that time were looking for a new and better design and not higher power cars. The cars were catered to the wrong market.

What did i learn from Steve Jobs

I learnt that we must make full use of our talents and take the least taken path. By doing that, we can always achieve something that people has never achieved before. We can use other companies as an inspiration to innovate something that blends in to your product and improve it at the same time. To meet the demands of the markets of different people so that you can be successful. By having a vision, we can create new markets, new products that makes the world a better place to live in.
By Creating a product that is pleasant for the eye, functional and durable. Enhancing the human experience with technology will attract thousands of thousands of people to buy the product.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


1st idea : Phone on the top of the fork
Advantages : Convenient and you won't need to take your phone from another location
Limitations : Expensive to mass produce
Overcome : Market it so that the cost will be brought down
Unique features : Talking phone so that you won't have to look at the screen to know who is calling

2nd idea : App telling cleanliness of the stall
Advantages : Avoid stalls that have a bad record of cleanliness
Limitations : Some stalls data could not be retrieved
Overcome : Gathering information by people who live near the stalls
Unique features : Convenient and works on andriod and OS X

3rd idea : App finding famous stalls
Advantages : Avoid eating stalls with not-so-tasty food
Limitations : Some stalls quality could dropped overnight due to change of staffs.
Overcome : Updating it on a weekly-basis
Unique features : Works as long as your phone OS supports it

4th idea : Spoon-like phone
Advantages : Attracts attention from passer-bys when using it and it's light.
Limitations : Functions are limited
Overcome : Adding a touch screen to it
Unique features : Able to eat with it too

5th idea : Forks and spoons phone
Advantages : Able to speak and eat at the same time
Limitations : You can only call and not play games
Overcome : Voice-command control (But it ruins the whole purpose)
Unique features : Eat and talk with it